There are a few prerequisites that inherently take place before potential members, who are new to CrossFit, take action with any box:
- They’ve got to relate to this new world called CrossFit.
- They have to decide if it’s a cult, and if it is, is it the right cult for them? *wink*
- They have to filter past the lingo and try to visualize themselves doing your WODs with your people.
How can you help guide them through these steps so they end up at your door, ready to take on their very first WOD?
Simple. Tailor your content. Whether it be on social media or on your website, here are some rules of thumb to follow:
Tell them about crossfit
People think they know CrossFit, but they have no idea. People think it’s a cult because it’s more than a workout program – and that freaks them out. One way to put CrossFit into perspective is to use (drumroll…) content (ah-ha!). Create content to describe a typical day at your box, tell them about what types of movements you do and your formula for a well-rounded program, use lots of photos and videos to help them see what it is. Have you heard of infographics? You can utilize those handy suckers too.
Here are a couple of our favorite videos that are full of CrossFit “Kool-Aid” to help people “get it.” You can easily embed these into your website someplace where your visitors will be enticed to view them. Your home page, sidebar or footer are all great locations.
Mix up your models
People want to visualize themselves at your box. Will they fit in?
Using photos of your current members that span genders, ages and fitness levels is key. Showing off your top athletes is great, but so is showing off the grandma who does pull-ups. Go grandma!
Humanize your coaches
Instead of focusing solely on how awesome your coaches’ CrossFit achievements are, talk about when they started training, why they did, what their biggest obstacles were or still are. Also, you may even want to talk about their personal interests or achievements outside of the box. Suddenly an intimidating coach seems more like a friend than a pain enforcer.
Highlight success stories
Is there someone who has changed his or her life for the better after starting CrossFit? Reversed sickness, became sober, became a mentor, learned mental toughness, lost the baby weight went from average joe to super strong? All of these things inspire others to make their own change… seeing first hand that it can be done. Also, people love stories. No one wants to read information, they want to be entertained with visuals and stories.
Tell your box’s story
Do you have an interesting story of how your box came to be? Did you raise the money in an unconventional way or did you open shop in honor of someone or something special? Like we learned in the previous section, people love stories. Plus, they will get a better sense of what you are doing and what they will essentially become a part of.
Make it easy for them to take the first step
On your website tell them exactly what to bring, what to expect and what to do when they come in for their first workout. Perhaps offer a downloadable waiver that they can bring with them to their first class, ready to go. This simple waiver is a bigger marketing tool than you might expect. They’ll save or print the waiver and it will keep looking at them until they fill it out. Use this opportunity to use content ensure them that they’re making the right decision. At the top of the form , welcome them. At the bottom of the form, congratulate them for choosing to be better. Well now they HAVE to come in, they’ve chosen!
Photo Credit:×17-printable